Cherries Jubilee Pattern Download
An applique artist's dream, Cherries Jubilee utilizes included templates to create intricate flowers atop a soft background. Each appliqued block is assembled within framed sashing to enhance the beauty this stunning floral design.
Fabric Requirements:
Fabric Requirements:
- Fabric 1 (white) - 3 yds
- Fabric 2 (red and white print) - 1/4 yd
- Fabric 3 (red floral) - 1/2 yd
- Fabric 4 (cream with red print) - 1/4 yd
- Fabric 5 (white with red floral) - 1/4 yd
- Fabric 6 (red) - 2 yds (includes binding)
- Fabric 7 (red spades) - 1/4 yd
- Fabric 8 (red swirls) - 1/2 yd
- Fabric 9 (cream with red floral) - 1/2 yd
- Fabric 10 (dk red floral) - 1/4 yd
- Backing - 4-1/2 yds
- Batting - 65" x 78"
56-1/2" x 69-1/2".
Item no. 13152D