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McKenna Ryan Fabrics

As a child, McKenna's greatest joy and solace came from immersing herself in nature, collecting driftwood, rocks, and wildflowers to create natural one-of-a-kind art pieces. She often told her family that someday she would live surrounded by mountains, flowers, and wildlife, near lakes and streams. She decided to live closer to these dreams, by leaving a successful, corporate lifestyle in Boston and moving to the wilds of Montana. It was on the way that, by chance, she wandered into a quilt shop for the first time. She was awe struck, "It was as if time stood still. The colors, textures, and designs of the quilts moved me beyond words and the seeds were planted." Soon these seeds took root. She took an appliqué quilting class, bought her first sewing machine for $50.00, and found a passion she had never known before. McKenna remembers, "I wanted to reflect this, in quilts, but at the time there were few nature-inspired patterns, so I started making my own." Over the years, McKenna has discovered that designs come to her in their own time and she has learned to trust the process.
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