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Jennifer Sampou Fabrics

Observation and contemplation coupled with the intense desire to create something gorgeous and tangible are the main ingredients that drive Jennifer’s work as an artist. Since childhood she has enjoyed hobbies such as creating lush terrariums in glass jugs, etching decorative leather belts in her dad’s workshop, and sewing elaborate sequined ornaments for the Christmas tree with her mom. Creativity was an everyday part of life while growing up in Massachusetts. Her path was clear from an early age: to combine her love of art, sewing and travel. As a young woman she studied Surface Design at Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City and worked in Wales, UK, with Laura Ashley. In 2010 the Sampou Hensley family made their dream of living abroad come true and moved to Mexico. There they to could experience a different culture, learn another language, and delve into a new life
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